24th World Conference
Africa 2063: Alternative Scenarios and the Role of the African Diaspora
Africa in 2063 has the potential to be a more resilient continent North to South and East to West and a leading global partner in humanity\’s flourishing future. From education to health, scientific endeavor and business enterprise the promise waits. Does the Covid-19 pandemic and the current global supply chain disruption, offer African leaders an opportunity to reimagine its long-term trajectory to Agenda 2063. Noting that fast moving technological advances could enable or disrupt its sustainable development agenda, has Africa\’s aspirations for the future changed? Does the Future of Africa today look like what was envisioned 10 years ago? The global landscape has changed and power has shifted, so where does Africa fit? What does the African future look like? How do we move Africa from a raw material source to a global manufacturer and supplier of finished goods and products and why does that matter to the future of the planet? Can the engagement of the African diaspora – the so-called sixth constituency of Africa and new visionary leadership propel the continent forward in new partnerships internally and externally? Africa 2063: Promise or Peril?