Fabienne Goux-Baudiment

CEO of proGective
Paris, France
Fabienne GOUX-BAUDIMENT is a world-renowned futurist, founding head of proGective, an independent research centre dedicated to foresight since 1995, advising large companies (Carrefour, Suez) as well as public authorities (Unesco, Royal Institute for Strategic Studies). Active member of the Futures Studies community, she chaired the World Futures Studies Federation (2005-2009) and the French Society for Foresight (2013-2016). Adjunct professor with a PhD in Social Sciences, she held the chair of Foresight, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Intangible Capital at Polytech Angers (1995-2018). A researcher, author and international speaker, she focuses – after the “Great Transition” (2004-20127) – on the “X.0 development model” (2018-2028).
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