Dr. Philine Warnke

Dr. Philine Warnke has been coordinating the Business Unit Futures Dialogs in the Competence Center Foresight at Fraunhofer ISI since 2014.
After finishing her studies of mechanical engineering Philine Warnke completed her Ph.D. within the interdisciplinary DFG postgraduate program “technology and society” at the University of Darmstadt in an STS (social science technology studies) framework in 2002. Since then, she has been active as a researcher with a focus on Foresight processes/futures dialogues, socio-technical change, and innovation studies. As project and team leader at Fraunhofer ISI, the “Institute for Prospective Studies” of the European Commission (JRC-IPTS) in Sevilla, Spain, and the Austrian Institute of Technology AIT in Vienna, Austria, she designed and implemented a number of Foresight processes in support to decision-makers in policy, society and industry in Europe and beyond. Through many contributions to conferences, seminars, guidebooks, and journals, she contributed to advancing and sharing insights on Foresight theory and practice. From June 2019 to May 2020, Philine Warnke worked at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin, Germany in the department “Strategic Foresight and Policy Planning” to support the establishment of a Foresight unit within this department.