Karla Paniagua

Ph. D. in cultural and communication studies, Master in social anthropology. Coordinator of Futures Studies, Director of the Design of Tomorrow Specialty and Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Creative Economy magazine at CENTRO, a higher education institution dedicated to the professionalization of creativity. Her work on Futures Studies has been published in research journals such as Temas de DiseƱo (ELISAVA, Barcelona) and Journal of Futures Studies (Tamkang, Taiwan), among other journals.
As a disseminator of Futures Studies, Paniagua has been an ambassador of the graduate program at Talent Land 2017, 2018 and 2021, the most important technology fair aimed at young people in Latin America; and most recently at the Global Futures Summit 2021, an international conference with senior speakers as Stuart Candy, Jose Ramos, Wendy Schultz and John Sweeney, among others, gathered: https://www.globalforesightsummit.com/.