Martin A. Ciesielski

Applied improvisation: author, consultant, trainer and business jester®
medienMOSAIK & the school of nothing Berlin, Germany

Martin A. Ciesielski has been working as an author, consultant, trainer and business jester® in the field of media systems and communication cultures, digital leadership and humorous employee development since 2004.

Among other things, he built up the qualification criteria for ​​the start-up consultancy sector at the Free University of Berlin and worked independently for various IT and management consultancies for several years.

He has a degree in banking management (BA) from the Berlin University of Cooperative Education and a Master’s degree in journalism / communication studies, media psychology and business administration from the Free University of Berlin. Also at Freie Universität, he completed a qualification as a certified behavior and communication trainer (ABF e.V.)at the Institute for Organizational Psychology.

As part of his almost 15 years of stage experience as an improvisational theater player, he took part in various national and international workshops and qualification series, developed his own improvisation training and accompanied train the trainer measures within the framework of the Academy for Applied Improvisation Berlin. He himself researches and publishes in the field of “social technologies” on topics such as money, digital media and leadership as well as applied improvisation, games and the extensive topic of “nothing”.

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