Wendy L Schultz

Dr. Schultz has been wandering the world engaged in futures research and participatory foresight for over forty years. She has designed futures research projects for NGOs, government agencies, and businesses, and recently completed with her colleagues at SAMI Consulting four global scenarios and multiple regional scenarios on the futures of research and innovation in a post-COVID world. Wendy specializes in participatory futures workshops – most recently online for the ILO and the International Institute of Islamic Thought – other examples include face-to-face workshops offering foresight training in Kuala Lumpur and Istanbul; and with the Geneva Centre for Security Policy in Bangkok, New York, and Geneva.
Dr. Schultz’s conference keynotes, workshops, and publications encompass topics as varied as the dance of adaptation in chaotic and turbulent times; emerging change and evolving patterns of risk in the rail industry; innovations and the future of art; future competitiveness for urban regions; the future of transport; the future of learning and higher education; and the role of women in designing our emerging technological futures, among others.
Wendy currently teaches futures studies in the Masters Program in Strategic Foresight at the University of Houston; is a Fellow of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy; a Senior Fellow of the Center for Post-Normal Policy and Futures Studies; a member of the Association of Professional Futurists; a Fellow of the World Futures Studies Federation; and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. She is Director of Infinite Futures and Futures Puzzlemaster at Jigsaw Foresight.