24th World Conference

Technologies transforming the future of precision medicine: state of the art, challenges and opportunities
Nowadays, healthcare is going through major transformations, including the increased shift towards patient-centered care that provides a more solid support base for precision medicine. Precision medicine is a disease treatment approach based on an individual\’s genes and lifestyle. Precision medicine will help physicians to accurately plan a roadmap for disease treatment and prevention. In contrast to the traditional healthcare approach, where one size fits all situations and diseases in which treatments and diagnosis strategies are designed for an average individual with no regard to differences among patients. Precision medicine has become a very important part of healthcare and it encompasses a number of technological approaches, for example, the stratification of cancer patients according to tumor transcriptome to detect response, the use of genomic alternations to create customized therapies, and the approach of cancer diagnosis and prognosis treatments based on biomarkers. This study will analyze precision medicine practices\’ current state of the art, used models, and innovative efforts for healthcare. We will answer the following questions: 1- what are the main technological advancements expected over the next decade that will elevate the field of precision medicine? 2- What are the technological challenges that will face the adoption of precision medicine, 3- discuss cases of countries\’ efforts in adopting new technologies for successful execution of precision medicine. The study is a pragmatic literature review for precision medicine digital technology tools and methods. The scientific literature will go through systematic filtering according to novelty, purpose, impact, and technology. We will also empower our study by including scientific centers\’ opinions, heath governing bodies\’ precision medicine policies and guidelines, and researchers\’ scientific conclusions.