24th World Conference
KxF: Navigating Chaos
Wood is on fire, concrete walls are underwater and people run run run. Everything around us is in motion. More extremely bursting out into motion compared to past years, it seems. And while change is indisputable, we cling to our structures, frameworks and rules – the human order that gives meaning and sense. But looking out into nature, there we are, in chaos.
As chaos is the most natural state on planet earth, how can we accept and feel comfortable in chaos? Going a step further, how can we navigate and flourish in chaos?
Edda Kruse Rosset from Kaospilot+ Berlin and Lena Tünkers offer a space where people can experiment with futures as a tool to navigate chaos. Edda brings in her unique experiences with the Kaospilot journey and tools and elements of practice with which to blossom in the unknown. Lena fuels the space with hands-on methods from Futures Literacy, Speculative Design and the field of regenerative innovation.
Participants will collectively stretch their imagination, play with abstract futures and reflect on new practices for the present and how to apply them into their contexts. The theme of the workshop will circle around the futures of our interdependence with the natural world. Participants will decide for themselves how they wish to unfold the topic further. The intention of the workshop is to trigger participants’ ability to imagine diverse futures, offer them tools to navigate in chaos and especially to take inspirational thoughts & practices back into their presents.