24th World Conference
UNESCO Futures Literacy
Building on the findings generated by a Futures Literacy Laboratory – Novelty that was run on Monday, Oct. 25th, on the Futures of Berlin as a Convener, this session will begin with a hands-on exploration of how such collective intelligence knowledge creation processes generate insights into ‘anticipatory systems and processes’ (ASP). Participants from the Lab on the Futures of Berlin as a Convener will present the findings of the Lab, setting the stage for a discussion of the design and outcomes of this specific tool for collecting evidence of why and how people imagine the future. Then, building on the discussions during the first part of this session, the second phase will invite participants to share their views on tools and techniques for conducting research into ASP, with a particular emphasis on processes that are effective at revealing the diversity of human ASP.
This session will be divided into four parts:
Part I: During a pre-conference event, hosted by Futurehain and UNESCO, a Futures Literacy Laboratory was implemented, focusing on the Futures of Convening in Berlin. Part I will synthesize the learning journey for participants of the session.
Part II: Pedagogical review of FL, by Riel Miller, Head of Futures Literacy at UNESCO
Part III: Playing with the Future (Interactive futures game)
Part IV: Overview of UNESCO Futures Literacy activities