24th World Conference

WFSF as a 'Distributed Global Lab'
The next decades of the 21st century need a generative innovation commons for addressing grand societal challenges – a kind of \’mission lab for SDGs.
Leveraging distributed collective intelligence for this online innovation commons is a challenge the WFSF and similar knowledge networks can take on:
It is possible to see the World Futures Studies Federation as a networked Global Lab capable of tackling wicked societal problems with the knowledge, experience and perspectives of people from all continents?
How would such a global lab work?
Is it even possible?
This session is participative in nature, run as a pre-prototyping workshop with sufficient time for interaction with each other and with basic building-blocks for Global Labs.
It is a speculative exploration of (im)possibilities, exploring provocative ideas and how to realize them in practice.
Help us create a new narrative for the generative innovation commons, and more ways to tackle major challenges together in an focused co-creative way.