Cesar Villanueva
Peace futurist and transformative mediator.
Conflict transformation trainer and consultant.
Former Secretary General and Executive Board member of the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) and an active founding convener of the Asia Pacific Futures Network (APFN).
Faculty member of the Graduate School department at the University of St. Las Salle in Bacolod City, Philippines teaching peace futures and conflict transformation.
Former trainer and consultant to GIZ in their Conflict-Sensitive Resource and Asset Management (COSERAM) program in Mindanao and to FAKT in their conflict sensitive lending for Local Government Units in Mindanao through Land Bank of the Philippines.
Past project accompaniment consultant to the peace and reconciliation project of MISEREOR and course professor to the Oblates Institute on Higher Learning in Sri Lanka
Reflecting on Peace Practice Evaluator of the Inter-Faith Cooperation Forum (ICF) Project
of the Asia Pacific Alliance of YMCAs’ (APAY) Justice and Peace Program funded by Bread for the World.
Convener of TRANSCEND Pilipinas, the peace, development and environment network founded and inspired by Johan Galtung. Popular Peace Education Director of Pax Christi Institute in Bacolod City, Philippines.