Prof. Dr. Elmar Schüll

Elmar Schüll studied Media and Communication Studies, Business Administration and Spanish Literature at the Free University of Berlin, and earned his Master of Arts in 2004 with a thesis on the scientific grounds of futures studies. From 2004-2007 he was Scientific Officer for the United Nations Decade “Education for Sustainable Development”. In 2007 he started to work at the Center for Futures Studies at the Salzburg Universtiy of Applied Sciences (SUAS). Elmar Schüll earned his PhD in 2016 at the Free University of Berlin with a foresight study on the future challenges of the Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences. Today, Elmar Schüll ist Senior Researcher at the Society and Innovation Research Group and the master degree programme Social Innovation at SUAS. Elmar Schüll is acting as guest lecturer in the master degree programme Futures Studies at the Free University in Berlin and he is member of the board of the German speaking Network Futures Studies (“Netzwerk Zukunftsforschung”). His research interests are social change and social innovation, futures studies, organizational change and higher education research.