LIID Future Lab

Raphaële Bidault-Waddington is an artist, writer and foresight researcher. She created in 2000 LIID Future Lab, as a post-conceptual art project which became, over the years, an experimental future research platform at the crossroads of arts, business, urban design and sustainability, academia and digital humanities. LIID designs future labs mixing a wide scope of methods and formats with in-depth theoretical, systemic and historical research, for companies, cities, universities and cultural institutions in France and abroad. Ref: Peclers Future Trends, CNRS, Aalto University Helsinki, IFTF Palo Alto, Science-Po Paris, Bouygue Construction, LUMA Foundation, Shanghai World Expo 2010, Copenhagen, Montevideo, etc.

Besides these collaborations, she carries art-based foresight research projects as LIID’s on-going R&D and core slow purpose. From 2008 to 2018, she designed and ran the Paris Galaxies research project about the future of the Greater Paris metropolis at Sorbonne University (Semiotics of Art & Design Laboratory). Twice awarded the selective Paris 2030 academic grant, this future lab includes various methodological experiments, workshops, exhibitions, conferences and publications in France and abroad. It resumed with a design fiction experiment and book “Paris Ars Universalis, scenario fiction d’un future Grand Paris” (Avant-Garde collection, L’Harmattan, 2017). She is currently developing a new future lab about post-human futures, based on a first series of workshops, conferences and publications since 2017, and a research-exhibition at HiFlow Geneva in October 2021.

With an initial degree and experience in international finance (1992-99), Raphaële Bidault-Waddington is a member of the New Club of Paris (knowledge economy and innovation policy experts), of Futuribles International’s Prospective Lab and of UNESCO’s Futures Literacy Network.

See all LIID’s formats and methods, and Raphaële’s publications, conferences and collaborations on www.liid.fr

Critical thinking at the frontier of Art and Foresight