Yul Anderson

Yul Anderson is President and Founder of the African American Future Society. Mr. Anderson is a graduate of Dartmouth College and received his master’s degree in Future Studies from the University of Massachusetts. Mr. Anderson is the Deputy Director of the Institute for Afrofuturist Studies at Temple University. Mr. Anderson includes AI/ML to identify global, national, regional, and local trends that impact Black American and African society, and the government’s ability to deliver programs, and services to create a sustainable future for us all.
Mr. Anderson is an Associate Fellow of World Academy of Art and Science, a Fellow of World Business Academy, and sits on the Advisory Board of Ethical Markets, The Gist of Freedom, Florida Fund for Minority Teachers, Inc., and Lifeboat Foundation. He is a Fellow of the Futures Forum and a member of the National Forum of Black Public Administrators, Blacks in Government, Federal Foresight Community of Interest, Public Sector Foresight Network, Shaping Tomorrow, Techcast Global, and Mixed Methods International Research Association.