24th World Conference

Knowing and Not-Knowing - The Role of Science in Futures
A more scientific approach to futures work might be one path for the futures field to become more respected, more visible, more used. What does it mean to be more based on science? What kind of theory building is possible or necessary in futures studies? What is under way and used already? Which futures work is about complicated systems, which about complex systems? What can we know? And which concrete steps might participants take towards more science in futures? These are opening questions aimed at getting participants started in a discussion about the open future of our field.
This session will be highly interactive following opening statements by the invited contributors. The method of “Dynamic Facilitation” will be used, with a focus on the four interdependent areas of (1) questions or problems, (2) ideas or solutions, (3) concerns or reservations and (4) facts or data. The results will be shared with participants after the conference and can be used by them and others in their own work.