Dr. phil Karlheinz Steinmüller

Dr. phil Karlheinz Steinmüller is a German physicist, science fiction author and the scientific director and founding partner of “Z_punkt GmbH – The Foresight Company” in Cologne and Berlin (www.z-punkt.de). As project manager he is engaged in futures studies for large, mostly German, enterprises and public administrations (European Commission, ministries …). His special fields of expertise include innovations in companies and society, technological foresight and technology assessment, scenario development and wild cards. He has also done research into the history and methodology of foresight.
Karlheinz Steinmüller has published several books on futures studies and many research reports as well as papers on quite different topics like foresight methodology, counterfactual history, futures studies and science fiction, prospects of the cyberspace etc. Besides that, he has much experience as keynote speaker.
Together with his wife Angela Steinmüller he has written science fiction short stories and novels that depict human development on a cosmic scale, grounded in an analysis of social structures and mechanisms.
Karlheinz Steinmüller is collaborating in the Collège Européen de Prospective Territoriale / European Millennium Project Initiative and in the committee on foresight methodology of the Netzwerk Zukunftsforschung. For the time being, he is member of the Program Committee “Infrastructure” of the German Space Management.