Rick Szostak

Rick Szostak is professor and chair of the Department of Economics at the University of Alberta in Canada. He is the author of Making Sense of the Future (Routledge, August 2021), a book that combines the latest thinking in (diverse strands of) Future Studies with the author’s previous research in world history, economics, interdisciplinary studies, knowledge organization, and political advocacy. The book builds in particular on his Making Sense of World History (Routledge, October 2020; chosen as the Outstanding Book in Humanities and Social Science for 2020 by Taylor and Francis) and his co-authored Interdisciplinary Research: Process and Theory (4th ed., Sage, 2020). The ideas in the latter book help Szostak integrate the diverse theories and methods pursued within Future Studies into a coherent whole. Szostak is the author of 20 books, 50 journal articles, 20 encyclopedia entries, and many other publications across over a dozen fields.